Risk-free booking and 100% refundable deposit : Booking Policy
Risk-free booking and 100% refundable deposit : Booking Policy
When he was just a little boy of 10, Dexter Chikerema was invited to join an exciting school excursion to visit the majestic and beautiful Victoria Falls. Coming from a village where opportunities and exposure to city life and the rest of the world were almost non-existent, this excursion was an experience that changed the trajectory of his life!
In the decades that followed, Dexter was privileged to pursue his passion for Africa, wild-life and most importantly, welcoming new faces and hearts to his beloved Africa. Through Pieces of Africa, he documents his journey from a small village to Harare, Zimbabwe, South Africa and beyond. Pieces of Africa brings to life his extraordinary story and journey through the lens of a young boy, teenager and now founder of African Sunsets Travel, a destination management company.
When he was just a little boy of 10, Dexter Chikerema was invited to join an exciting school excursion to visit the majestic and beautiful Victoria Falls. Coming from a village where opportunities and exposure to city life and the rest of the world were almost non-existent, this excursion was an experience that changed the trajectory of his life!
In the decades that followed, Dexter was privileged to pursue his passion for Africa, wild-life and most importantly, welcoming new faces and hearts to his beloved Africa. Through Pieces of Africa, he documents his journey from a small village to Harare, Zimbabwe, South Africa and beyond. Pieces of Africa brings to life his extraordinary story and journey through the lens of a young boy, teenager and now founder of African Sunsets Travel, a destination management company.
Good insights into Africa and the life we can only imagine.
Tichaona Sajanga –
A masterpiece
Natehalatoimb –
Karinamema –
Нello all, guуѕǃ Ι know, my meѕsage may bе tоo sресifiс,
But mу siѕtеr fоund nіce man herе and thеy marrіеd, sо hоw abоut me?ǃ 🙂
I am 24 уearѕ old, Κarіnа, frоm Ukrаіne, I knоw Еnglіsh аnd Gеrman languаgеѕ аlso
And… I hаve sреcific dіsеase, namеd nymрhоmаnia. Ԝhо know whаt iѕ thіѕ, саn underѕtand me (better tо sаy іt іmmеdiatelу)
Αh yеѕ, Ι cook vеry tаѕtyǃ and I love nоt оnly сoоk ;))
Im reаl gіrl, not prоstіtutе, аnd lоoking for ѕеrіous and hot rеlatіоnѕhiр…
Аnуway, yоu сan find my рrofіle hеre: http://dramadbragockufu.ml/user/90334/
okna_mfpi –
Окон ПВХ в исполнении Минской компании «ПолиОминскойпо достоинству оценили тысячи белорусов.
окна пвх уход
Пластиковые окна ПВХ лучших брендов KBE, REHAU, SALAMANDER, BRUSBOX. Цены от 180 руб.? Купить со скидкой до 40%! Рассрочка!
Edgarmeets –
Приветствую. Подскажите, где почитатьразные блоги о недвижимости? Сейчас читаю – https://new-fstore.ru/